for Lightworkers


Book your Seat

Thursday Oct 17th, 19:30

Join the Online Program

Do you feel confused, discouraged, or filled with doubt during this time?

Or perhaps you're experiencing low energy, negative thoughts, and emotions, along with self-blame for having these thoughts?

Maybe you find yourself reacting intensely, wondering afterward, "Why did I do that?"

Or are you struggling with addictions and compulsive behaviors that seem to lower your vibration even further?

If so, you might be in the midst of a spiritual battle without even realizing it.

Because you felt that something was off, you've probably tried countless programs and courses, thinking there was something wrong with you that needed "healing."

Well, I have news for you!

You are already wonderful and perfect just as you are, with immense gifts to offer the world.

We are spiritual beings having a human experience.

Your essence is love, joy, peace, and bliss.

You came into this human life to express that essence.

However, along the way, your plans may have been disrupted. Inevitably, you’ve encountered traumas, emotional wounds, and other challenges that have caused you to close your heart, put up defenses, and wear masks.

As a result, you’ve become disconnected from who you truly are and from what you came here to express.

This disconnection occurred for two reasons:Life in the 3rd Density is more dense and harsh, which naturally creates more trauma for a highly evolved soul.

There is an "enemy" whose purpose is to keep you from your Dharma, your spiritual evolution, and remembering your true self.

This enemy is clever, using confusion, manipulation, and doubt to undermine you—without you even realizing it.

It exploits your weaknesses, emotional wounds, and desires to drain your vital energy.

The only way to fight this subtle war is not through fear, but through awareness and understanding.

Once you become aware of the enemy, you can stop judging the situation from the mind’s perspective of good vs. bad.

Instead, you can view it from love's perspective and activate the divine weapons within you.

" The positive polarity sees love in all things.

The negative polarity is clever."

  • Learn the subtle tricks the "enemy" uses to defeat you without your awareness.
  • Discover what energy attacks are, how they manifest, and how to protect yourself from them.
  • Activate your spiritual "weapons" to fight this subtle war.
  • Understand why life is inviting you to choose between the path of service to the ego and the path of service to others—and how this choice plays a crucial role in your spiritual journey.
  • Explore the dichotomy between the illusion and reality of evil.
  • You learn to take your POWER back and give yourself permission to live the Life you are meant to live (you will no longer have regrets at the end of your life that you could have lived differently)
  • Discover the 2 Paths of Evolution and learn how to CHOOSE the Authentic one! (understand why Vertical Evolution is preferable and learn how to make the PERMANENT leap in Consciousness)
  • You learn how to Overcome RESISTANCE (the force that opposes your Evolution and all the Subconscious protective and self-sabotaging mechanisms) and what are the ACCELERATORS in the process of your Evolution

What you will learn at SPIRITUAL WARFARE Program:

Yes, i want to participate

When is the Program?

There are 2 Live Session Online (aprox 1h):

1. Thursday 17 Oct, 19:30

2. Thursday 24 Oct, 19:30

Time zone Romania (GMT+3)

(you will receive the participation link after registration)

How much does the Online Program cost?

Participation is Donation based.

Yes, i want to participate

Dragos Barbalata (Santosha)

Speaker, Author, People Trainer

Dragos is the founder of Ananda Meditation Center and School of Awakeing, the school of spiritual development that has given thousands of students the chance to become a better version of themselves.

Although he studied in the United States at a prestigious University and started his career in the corporate world, he realized quite quickly that this was not his path and changed course 180 degrees, following his inner guidance.

Dragos is the author of 4 books on Personal Development and Spirituality and numerous Educational Programs.

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"I have attended many seminars and in most of them I have heard the same things. I read a lot, I know a lot about personal development, but this seminar really caught my attention and mobilized me with its logical structure and relaxed approach."

Bianca Timșa-Stoicescu

"It fed me! It helped me to accumulate self-confidence, and to see the beauty that exists in us. Dragos you are an example and have a lot to offer. You convey what you set out to do! Ești de țineut aproape!"

Andreea Dogaru

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