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How is it to be in the presence of a Spiritual Master?

I had the chance to meet some great spiritual Masters in this life.

There are experiences where the mere presence of such a Saint transforms you, if you have the necessary receptivity. Because they act like a magnet. And if you are around them, your energies harmonize, balance, and you too become a magnet.

However, to be receptive, we must put in effort; we must purify ourselves.

The first time I met such a Master was in India. I still remember it clearly. There were about 30 people, and we were sitting quietly in a room, waiting, while mentally repeating a mantra.

The moment he entered the room, I felt an incredibly strong, healing energy, even from the door. I felt my whole being expand, and I was filled with a joy that is indescribable.

At some point, I began to feel irritation in my throat and started coughing, but there was nothing physical; I felt that the chakra was being automatically purified. A girl who was very sick, coughing and with a runny nose, after only 10 minutes was radiating, and she no longer had any symptoms. I had lost track of time, and although I thought 30 minutes had passed, almost three hours had gone by.

We asked questions, and he advised each of us individually.

When questions were asked that were psychological or like “When will I find my partner?”, he immediately stopped them because he wasn’t interested in worldly questions, his only interest being our spiritual evolution.

After the meeting, I could hardly sleep because I had such extraordinary energy, and I felt so good.

The second meeting with him was in a much more intimate setting. It was just him, two of the ashram coordinators, and two girls from Singapore who were spreading spirituality there. Honestly, I didn’t really understand why they invited me to that meeting.

They discussed plans for Singapore, and then he looked at me and asked, “And you…?” When such a being fixes you with their gaze, the energy seems to amplify, and I was speechless. I could barely say, “…I don’t know… I was thinking of helping spread spirituality in Romania…”.

The next day, they invited a few of us to better understand the subtle dimension. They were researching, documenting, and analyzing what the subtle dimension is and how it affects our lives. There were materials and videos they only showed to the internal team because not everyone is ready to understand these aspects.

It was one of the most interesting trainings I have ever attended, and it completely changed the way I perceive reality.

I returned to the ashram six months after that first visit, and this time the experience was even deeper.

At my meeting with the Master, I asked, “Have I made spiritual progress?” After looking at me for a moment, he asked the others in the team, who had more contact with me, “Has he made progress?” They all answered, “Yes, a lot, in a very short time.”

He didn’t give me an answer then, but at the next meeting, while talking to someone, he paused, looked at me, and said, “He is in bhav all the time!” (Bhav is spiritual emotion and means you are in divine connection, which is very important in spiritual evolution, from which progress is very rapid).

Such a person has the ability to know everything about you, sees in the aura, and has answers to all questions because they have transcended the mind and are permanently connected to the Universal Mind.

“What efforts have you made?” he asked me. “Share with everyone, so we can learn.” I stammered, “Well, I’ve been doing intensive practice for many hours daily, I radically changed my lifestyle…” etc. But only after that did I realize it was Divine Grace. We cannot do anything without it.

At each meeting, there was also a nine-year-old girl, who was a Divine Child (meaning she was born with a level of spirituality over 60%), but you didn’t need to know this, because it was evident from her interactions with others how much love, kindness, and capacity she had.

Every time, the Master would give her candies, chocolates, or something. I asked someone why he did this. “Through this, he transmits energy to the little girl. It’s called Shaktipat,” they explained to me.

What was also interesting at that meeting was that after he had given something to the little girl, he told me, “I will not give you anything.” “You’ve given me so much, there’s no need,” I replied. But to my surprise and joy, that evening one of the coordinators gave me a package of pistachios, saying, “It’s from the Master. Eat one every day.” It was, without a doubt, the best pistachio I have ever eaten.

These are just a few of the events and moments that have profoundly transformed me and that I wanted to share with you.

At workshops, I usually don’t talk about myself, but many participants have asked me to do so, so I decided to start writing. 🙂